About this site

If you’re trying to find out how much a book is worth |
If you’d like to include these texts in your own work |
Other things I’ve done |

I’m retired, but I’m still an academic. My research is in a pretty obscure corner of 19th-century American culture, so this is where I organize the little bits of information as I gather it.

I focus on American Children’s Periodicals, 1789-1872 and books, especially works created by Samuel Griswold Goodrich.

Please enjoy the site, but remember that it’s entirely the creation of one person, scanning and transcribing and researching, wearing out her own copies, and paying to make the material available without advertisements.

If you’d like to feature some of these works at your site, please link to these pages. If you’d like to make them available in another format, please write to me, so we can make arrangements. Or transcribe them yourself: there’s nothing that says you can’t find your own copies to transcribe or scan!

Copyrighted material includes the papers I’ve written, my commentaries, and the specific electronic form of the documents. Feel free to save these files to disk or to print them for your own use, or to link to them. If you’re quoting this material in your own work, please remember me in the acknowledgments and let me know where to find a copy, so I can enjoy your take on the subject. If you wish copies for educational purposes, please ask me first, so I can point you to a clean copy. No permission is granted for commercial use.

How much is —— worth?

$5. (Since I’m not a dealer, I don’t try to price books. But there was a marvelous book dealer who, every time I dragged out a book he hadn’t priced, would say, “Five bucks?” He was the greatest ….)

Other things I’ve done

Papers & presentations
Flickr account
Scholarly books
Computer game
Copyright 1999-2025, Pat Pflieger
To “Nineteenth-Century American Children & What They Read
Some of the children | Some of their books | Some of their magazines
To “Voices from 19th-Century America
Some works for adults, 1800-1872
To Titles at this site | Subjects at this site | Works by date | Map of the site

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