The images on the front of nineteenth-century children’s periodicals didn’t change with every issue, but they provided delightful graphics for readers to pore over. The cover reflected the personality of the magazine: Robert Merry’s Museum was permeated by Merry’s genial presence; in keeping with The Little Corporal ’s focus on home, a family cloistered in the parlor listens as The Corporal reads aloud from the magazine.
This page celebrates the periodical cover and masthead from 1813 through 1872. A number may not be exactly artistic, but there are graphics here too interesting and inviting to ignore.
The images are arranged here by first publication date of the periodical. Because it can be difficult to find copies of the magazines with their covers on, I don’t have descriptions or images of covers for each year of the magazines.
Each thumbnail links to a larger image; larger images were scanned at a fairly high resolution in order to show detail and will appear MUCH larger than seems plausible. Sizes of the images on this page are roughly proportional; it’s easy to see how unusually tiny The Slave’s Friend was—just the size to slip into a pocket and read in private. A number of the covers are available to decorate your computer as a busybusy desktop wallpaper.
The title of each periodical links that periodical’s description in the onsite bibliography, “American Children’s Periodicals, 1789-1872.” While this page features only images from copies I own, the bibliography includes images of covers from microfilm and various databases; if you’d like to know more about the covers of children’s periodicals before 1873, you’ll want to browse the bibliography.
A note about the images.The Sunday Visitant; or, Weekly Repository of Christian Knowledge
(3 Jan 1818-25 Dec 1819)
![Sunday Visitant, 1818](small/SVisit18.jpg)
Masthead for 1818
Teacher’s Offering; or Sabbath's Scholar’s Magazine • Teacher’s Offering; or Sunday Scholar’s Magazine • Youth’s Friend, and Scholar’s Magazine
(Nov 1823-after 1845)
![Youth's Friend, 1831](small/YFrScholar31.jpg)
Cover for 1831
Youth’s Companion • Youth’s Companion and Sabbath School Recorder • Youth’s Companion
(16 April 1827-Sept 1929)
Children’s Magazine
(Episcopal Sunday School Union; Jan 1829-1874)
Classical Journal and Scholar’s Review • Juvenile Rambler • Juvenile Rambler, or, Family and School Journal
(Jan 1830-26 Dec 1833)
![Parleys, 1836](small/PP36.jpg)
Cover for 1836:
Peter Parley shows his magazine to admirers (appears on the back cover of the 1841 issue pictured here)
Slave’s Friend
(April 1835-before April 1839)
![The Slave's Friend, #8](small/Slave08.jpg)
Cover for 1835-1836
The first cover. The writing on the side reads, “Read + Circulate,” indicating, perhaps, that this copy was one of the many mailed to selected individuals or scattered in public places like railways, bar rooms, and stage coaches, to be read.
![The Slave's Friend, #26](small/Slave26.jpg)
Cover for 1837
The second cover. On the right, Justice stands on a foundation of the Bible, holding her scales; on the left, Freedom carries a liberty cap on her rod, her foundation the Declaration of Independence. Three children read under God’s all-seeing eye.
Youth’s Cabinet • New-York Teacher’s Lyceum • Woodworth’s Youth’s Cabinet • Woodworth’s Youth’s Cabinet and Uncle Frank’s Dollar Magazine
(28 April 1837-March 1857)
A periodical with two identities, the Cabinet appeared in two formats.As founded by Nathaniel Southard, the Cabinet was a 4-page anti-slavery paper
The Woodworth brothers made the Cabinet into a 32-page magazine.
![Youth’s Cabinet, 1851](small/WYC51.jpg)
Cover for 1846-1851:
the editor demonstrates magnetism by suspending a pair of scissors from a magnet; the scene appeared in every version of the cover
![Youth’s Cabinet, 1854](small/WYC54.jpg)
Cover for 1852-1857;
in 1857, the vignette was incorporated into the cover of Robert Merry’s Museum when the magazines merged
![Youth’s Cabinet, 1856](small/WYC56.jpg)
Cover for 1856;
memorializing the short-lived combining of Woodworth’s Youth’s Cabinet and Forrester’s Boys’ and Girls’ Magazine
Youth’s Temperance Advocate • Youth’s Temperance Advocate and Band of Hope Recorder
(Nov 1839-after May 1865)
![Youth’s Temperance Advocate, 1841](small/YTA41.jpg)
Masthead for 1840-1841
![Merry’s Museum, 1844](small/MM44.jpg)
Cover for 1844
By now, peg-legged Robert Merry has two legs! This cover later was used by editor Mark Forrester for the cover of a juvenile keepsake
![Merry’s Museum, 1848](small/MM48.jpg)
Cover for 1848; apparently used for a brief time late in the year.
This design was used three ways by three editors of the Museum
![Merry’s Museum, 1857](small/MM57.jpg)
Cover for 1857-1867:
the lower vignette is from the last cover for Woodworth’s Youth’s Cabinet, reminding readers that the Cabinet had merged with the Museum
![Merry’s Museum, 1868](small/MM68.jpg)
Cover for 1868-early 1870
The daisies are reminiscent of the morning glories appearing on the The Riverside Magazine for Young People at this time
![Merry’s Museum, 1872](small/MM72.jpg)
Cover for late 1870-1872
The last issue. Now Merry’s greatly resembles other magazines of the time, especially Our Young Folks
Every Youth’s Gazette • Youth’s Gazette • Peter Parley’s Youth’s Gazette
(22 Jan-31 Dec 1842)
![Every Youth’s Gazette, 1842](small/EvYGaz42.jpg)
Masthead for 1842
Boys’ and Girls’ Magazine • Boys’ & Girls’ Monthly Library
(Jan 1843-after March 1844)
![Colman’s Boys’ and Girls’ Magazine, 1843](small/ColBG43.jpg)
Cover for 1843 (cover was mutilated when the volume was bound)
The Young People’s Mirror and American Family Visitor • Young People’s Mirror • Mirror
(Jan 1848-Dec 1849)
The Child’s Friend • The Child’s Friend and Youth’s Magazine • The Child’s Friend and Family Magazine
(Oct 1843-Oct 1858)
The Well-spring • The Wellspring for Young People • The Well-spring and Missionary Echoes • The Wellspring
(5 Jan 1844-1928)
The Myrtle
(Dover, New Hampshire; 17 May 1845-31 Dec 1904)
![Myrtle, 1859](small/Myrtle59.jpg)
Masthead for 1859:
a variation on a theme familiar to readers of Youth’s Penny Gazette
The Boys’ and Girls’ Journal • The Boys’ and Girls’ Weekly Penny Journal • The Boys’ and Girls’ Penny Journal • Fithian’s Magazine for Girls and Boys
(Jan 1848-1853)
![Boys’ and Girls’ Penny Journal, 1849](small/PennyJ49.jpg)
Masthead for 1849
The Boys’ and Girls’ Magazine, and Fireside Companion • Forrester’s Boys’ and Girls’ Magazine, and Fireside Companion
(Jan 1848-Dec 1857)
The Youth’s Pictorial Magazine
(May 1848)
![Youth’s Pictorial Magazine, 1848](small/YPicMag.jpg)
Cover for 1848
Possibly the only issue ever of this eclectic collection apparently built around stock illustrations (This area of New Hampshire also saw “publication” of an amateur magazine, The Ladies Wreath, around the 1850s.)
Fireside Miscellany and Young People’s Encyclopedia
(Sept 1850-July 1851)
![Fireside Miscellany, 1854](small/Fireside.jpg)
Cover for 1850-1851, 1854
What may be a reprinting of the Miscellany appeared in 1854; on the cover, only the publisher’s address changed
Monthly Instructor and Fire Side Companion • Forrester’s Playmate • Youth’s Casket and Playmate
(July 1854-after April 1867)
![Forrester’s Playmate, 1855](small/ForrPlay.jpg)
Cover for 1855
1855-1867, covers were sometimes printed on colored paper: pale yellow, light blue, pale mauve
The Student and Schoolmate • The Student and Schoolmate, and Forrester’s Boy’s and Girl’s Magazine • The Student and Schoolmate • The Schoolmate
(Nov 1855-1872)
Clark’s School Visitor • Our Schoolday Visitor • Schoolday Visitor • Schoolday Magazine for all Homes and Schools
(1 April 1857-15 April 1875)
I Will Try
(May 1859-after Oct 1860)
The Children’s Friend
(Richmond, Virginia; Aug 1862-1 Feb 1865, 1866-June 1915)
![Children's Friend, Richmond, 1867](small/CFVa67.jpg)
Masthead for 1867-1868
Young People’s Helper • Young People’s Helper and Temperance Visitor
(1862-after Jan 1872)
![Young People’s Helper, 1872](small/YPHelp72.jpg)
Cover for 1872
Our Young Folks
(Jan 1865-Dec 1873)
From 1865 to 1867, the cover changed every three months, with Columbia presiding over vignettes reflecting the appropriate season![Little Corporal, 1865](small/LC65.jpg)
Masthead for 1865-1866
The early Corporal was a newspaper; once the magazine had covers, similar images of the Corporal appeared on the first page
![Little Corporal, 1869](small/LC69.jpg)
Cover for 1869
His cap and saber nearby, The Corporal reads to a family comfortably ensconced in their parlor. The eagle pictured at the top of the cover is “Old Abe,” a battle mascot which became the mascot of the magazine.
![Little Corporal, 1870](small/LC70.jpg)
Cover for early 1870; yellow is address label
The Corporal clutches his banner, while the Little Pilgrim enters the scene, symbolizing that The Little Pilgrim merged with the Corporal in July 1869.
![Little Corporal, 1871](small/LC71.jpg)
Cover for July 1870-1871
July 1870 saw a new size and a slightly different cover, as the Pilgrim was removed, having guided subscribers into their new magazine
![Little Corporal, Nov 1871](small/LC7111.jpg)
Masthead for Nov 1871
In the aftermath of the Chicago Fire, the Corporal was issued as a folded sheet.
The Children’s Friend
(West Chester, Pennsylvania; May 1866-Dec 1887)
![Demorest's Young America, February 1867](small/Dem67.jpg)
Cover for Feb 1867: In lavender and metallic silver, a father presents to his delighted family a copy of Demorest’s, on the cover of which a father presents to his delighted family a copy of …
![Demorest's Young America, 1869](small/Dem69.jpg)
Cover for 1869; same patriotic color scheme, new size & cover: what could be the family a few years later reads under the benign gaze of Art, Enlightenment, and Literature
The Busy Bee
(Nov 1866-after Feb 1874)
The Nursery
(Jan 1867-Oct 1880)
Burke’s Weekly for Boys and Girls • Burke’s Magazine for Boys and Girls
(6 July 1867-Dec 1871)
![Burke's Weekly, 1868](small/Burke68.jpg)
Masthead for 1868