picture of a variety of fours
At merrycoz.org, a hurrah for years ending in 4
1794 The Whiskey Rebellion comes to a dramatic climax in July.
1804 An expansion of U.S. territory sends Meriwether Lewis, William Clark, and an expedition that includes a Lemhi Shoshone woman and an African-American man up the Missouri River and to the Pacific Ocean. (They’re expected to keep an eye out for a mastodon, the “great incognitum” thought to be still roaming the vast wilderness of western North America. They don’t see one.)
1814 A French classic expands its range; the British invade Washington, DC (and lose the War, but who’s gloating?); and Francis Scott Key writes an inspiring poem.
Children’s periodical founded: Sabbath School VisitantThe Moral and Religious Repository; or Youth’s Christian Monitor ; The Moral and Religious Repository, and Youth’s Christian Monitor ; Youth’s Christian Monitor
1824 Lafayette tours the U. S.; The Heart of Midlothian discombobulates a fictional family; and John Dunn Hunter’s memoirs of his life among the Osage appears in an expanded edition.
Children’s periodicals founded: Youth’s Lyceum and Literary GazetteThe Child’s NewspaperThe Child’s Universalist Gazette, and Monthly Visiter ; The Child’s GazetteYouth’s Magazine
1834 Technology expands human abilities as Charles Babbage creates the “analytical engine” (which will develop into what you’re using right now); a midwestern girl starts an ever-expanding scrapbook; and Parley’s Magazine puzzles over a layer of fossil shells which seem to hint that France and the Andes have an unexpectedly close connection.
Children’s periodicals founded: Juvenile InstructorThe Young Reaper ; Young ReaperThe Well-spring ; The Wellspring for Young People ; The Well-spring and Missionary Echoes ; The WellspringThe BeeUncle Ezekiel’s Youth’s CabinetThe EncouragerYouth’s Monthly Visitor ; Youth’s Monthly Visiter
1844 A great comet adds interest to the night sky; technology begins to pull us closer together as Samuel Morse sends the first telegraph message, written by Annie Ellsworth (cousin of Samuel Griswold Goodrich); Lydia Sigourney explores her native land; an unknown writer fictionalizes a weird incident in Arkansas history; and Samuel Griswold Goodrich expands the world of young readers with a bit of amusing regionalism, some glimpses of other nations, a guide to how to behave, and some early methods of weather prediction.
Children’s periodicals founded: The Little WolverineThe Little ForesterSchuylkill County School JournalThe Juvenile Temperance Watchman ; Juvenile WatchmanMonthly Instructor and Fire Side Companion ; Forrester’s Playmate ; Youth’s Casket and PlaymateThe Little TravelerThe Children’s Friend ; Friend for Boys and GirlsThe Boys’ Daily Journal ; Boys’ JournalYouth’s National Gazette
1854 An annular solar eclipse semi-darkens much of North America; Fanny Fern sheds light on her family relationships; Anthony Burns escapes slavery, but is returned to enslavement by Judge Edward Greeley Loring (brother-in-law of Samuel Griswold Goodrich); the U.S. railroad expands to the Mississippi River; Free-Soilers seek to block the expansion of slavery;and California gets its first published woman poet (my condolences).
Children’s periodicals founded: California Youths’ Companion ; Pacific Pioneer and Youth’s Literary CompanionThe Experiment: a Juvenile MonthlyThe Youth’s VisitorThe School and Family VisitorSunday School Messenger
1864 The U.S. adds a state; dime novels get the kind of boost they won’t get later in the century; readers of Youth’s Companion get an illustration of some of the ugliest aspects of slavery; and readers of Student & Schoolmate get a story that originated 16 years earlier.
2024 merrycoz.org celebrates 25 years of informing the internet. Hurrah!
Copyright 2024, Pat Pflieger

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