“Of What Is the Alphabet Composed?,” by Mattie Bell (from Robert Merry’s Museum, July 1858; p. 15)
Of busy Bees,
And sparkling Eyes,
Of billowy Seas
Ruled by the Wise.
Of shady El-ms,
And mourning Yews,
And noisy Ohs,
Which you must Ex-cuse.
Of blooming Peas,
A measuring Ell,
And some so smart
They the rest Ex-cel.
Of singing Jays,
And vexing Tease,
Questioning “Why”
And languid Ease
Of fragrant Tea,
And hairy Cue,
With debtors who drawl out
And En-vy, who makes
You grumble and fret,
Together compose
The Alphabet.