a guide to the site

Major sections

Some features of the site
online exhibits & collections
annotated bibliographies
scholarly works

Nineteenth-Century American Children & What They Read: children
19th-century works about children
Works by children Amateur periodicals

Nineteenth-Century American Children & What They Read: magazines
Children’s Magazine (1789)
The Juvenile Magazine (England; 1788)
Juvenile Rambler
Juvenile Gazette (1819-1820)
Juvenile Gazette (1827-1828)
The Little Corporal
Our Young Folks
The Children’s Friend (West Chester, Pennsylvania; 1866-1887)
Parley’s Magazine
Robert Merry’s Museum
The Schoolmate
The Slave’s Friend
The Student
The Student and Schoolmate
Young People’s Magazine (1846)
Young People’s Mirror
Youth’s Cabinet; Woodworth’s Youth’s Cabinet
The Youth’s Companion
Youth’s Magazine (Cincinnati, OH)

Nineteenth-Century American Children & What They Read: books

Works on reading & children’s books Memoirs of reading Transcribed books

Voices from 19th-Century America: works for adults


The 20th-Century Annex Books by Samuel Scoville, jr. An analysis of “Choose-Your-Own-Adventure” books