“Fifteen Young Men” (from The Youth’s Companion, 13 September 1849; p. 80)
At a respectable boarding house in New York, a number of years ago, were fifteen young men. Six of them uniformly appeared at the breakfast table on Sabbath morning, shaved, dressed and prepared, as to their apparel, for attendance on public worship. They also all actually attended, both forenoon and afternoon. All became highly respected and useful citizens. The other nine were ordinarily absent from the breakfast table on Sabbath morning. At noon they appeared at the dinner table, shaved and dressed in a decent manner. In the afternoon they went out, but not ordinarily to Church, nor were they usually seen in any place of public worship. One of them is now living, and in a reputable employment; the other eight became openly vicious. All failed in business, and are now dead. Several of them came to an untimely and awfully tragical end.
Many a man may say, as did a worthy and opulent citizen, “The keeping of the Sabbath saved me.” It will, if duly observed, save all. In the language of its Author, “They shall ride upon the high places of the earth,” and he will feed them with the heritage of his people.