NOTICES & REVIEWS OF Every Youth’s Gazette • Youth’s Gazette • Peter Parley’s Youth’s Gazette
(22 Jan-31 Dec 1842)

About periodicals for children

Advertisement. The New World 3 (18 Dec 1841): 400.
Peter Parley’s Youth’s Gazette,

ON SATURDAY, the eighth day of January, PETER PARLEY, the old and well-known friend of children, will commence editing and publishing a new weekly paper, which will be called “PETER PARLEY’S YOUTH’S GAZETTE.” It will be of the quarto form, containing eight pages similar to the New-York Mirror. Every number will be embellished with


of an instructive and pleasing character. The contents will be, for the most part, original and adapted to the wants and capacities of youthful readers. Not only will the exclusive services of Peter Parley himself be given to the work, but the talents of many popular writers will be enlisted in its support.

All the new popular works for children which appear in England will be obtained; and from these the best articles will be chosen and published entire in the columns of the Gazette, together with the engravings by which they may be illustrated. Thus, in our catalogue of contributors, there will be many names, dear and familiar to the young—Miss Edgeworth, Mrs. Hofland, Mary Howitt, Miss Martineau, Mrs. Barwell, Miss Mitford, Mrs. S. C. Hall, Joanna Baillie, Mrs. Southy, Miss Coleridge, and others. Thus at a price far less than that for which such works could be reprinted in the shape of books in this country, will the most excellent treatises and stories for the young be presented.

Arrangements will also be made to obtain original articles by favorite American authors—Miss C. M. Sedgwick, Mrs. Lee, author of Three Experiments of Living, Mrs. Osgood, Miss Leslie, Mrs. Sigourney, Mrs. Gilman, Mrs. Wells, Nathaniel Hawthorne, T. H. Gallaudet, J. K. Paulding, and others. Last, but not least,


—who, from his long absence from that field of usefulness in which he was so successful, has been thought by many to have altogether relinquished his labors of love and duty—will resume his pen, and, with fresh vigor, engage in the new enterprise to which he has been called by the entreaties of both parents and children. Since his young readers last heard from him, he has travelled the world over, and brought home a budget of adventures, facts and incidents; and the Youth’s Gazette will be the medium through which they will be communicated.

The name of “PETER PARLEY” will be a guaranty for the pure moral tone which will pervade every sentence of the new periodical. Every thing like sectional, sectarian or political bias will be sedulously avoided. The Edinburgh Review has said of him that “no other writer for the young possesses in so eminent a degree the faculty of combining the useful with the entertaining.” It is believed that the readers of his Gazette will admit the justice of this observation.

PETER PARLEY’S YOUTH’S GAZETTE will, on and after the eighth of January next, be issued on Saturday mornings,

No. 30 Ann street, New-York.

To place “PETER PARLEY’S YOUTH’S GAZETTE” within the means of all the girls and boys in the country, it will be sold to subscribers at the following low rates: For one copy, sent to any part of North America, $2 a year; for two copies $3; for four copies $5; for ten copies $10—always to be paid in advance. When 1 copies for $5, or 10 copies for $10, are ordered, the remittance must be made in current money, of New-York or New-England.

Letters on business, and all communications to be addressed to “PETER PARLEY’S YOUTH’S GAZETTE, 30 Ann street, New-York,” franked or post-paid.

Editors of Papers who will copy and notice the above work, shall receive a free copy one year.

“Unaccountable Announcement.” The Daily Atlas [Boston, Massachusetts] 30 December 1841; p. 2.

We have read, in the last number of the New York New World, a Prospectus of a periodical to be entitled, “Peter Parley’s Youth’s Gazette.” As a recommendation of this new work, it is stated among other things, that a long array of English contributors, whose names are dear and familiar to the young, will render their assistance—and that Miss C. M. Sedgwick, Mrs Lee, Mrs Osgood, Miss Leslie, Mrs Sigourney, Mrs Gilman, Mrs Wells, Nathaniel Hawthorne, T. H. Gallaudet, J. K. Paulding and others, will write original articles for the work. Finally, and to crown the whole, the Prospectus says, “Last, but not least, PETER PARLEY HIMSELF—who, from his long absence from that field of usefulness in which he was so successful, has been thought by many to have altogether relinquished his labors of love and duty—will resume his pen, and, with fresh vigor, engage in the new enterprise to which he has been called by the entreaties of both parents and children. Since his young readers last heard from him, he has travelled the world over, and brought home a budget of adventures, facts and incidents; and the Youth’s Gazette will be the medium through which they will be communicated. The name of ‘PETER PARLEY’ will be a guaranty for the pure moral tone which will pervade every sentence of the new periodical. Every thing like sectional, sectarian, or political bias will be sedulously avoided. The Edinburgh Review has said of him that ‘no other writer for the young possesses in so eminent a degree the faculty of combining the useful with the entertaining.’ It is believed that the readers of his Gazette will admit the justice of this observation.”

After this pompous flourish of trumpets, what will be the feelings of our readers when we inform them that PETER PARLEY HIMSELF has no more to do with the forthcoming periodical than the man in the moon. Our friend, SAMUEL G. GOODRICH, Esq. is the only person entitled to the name of PETER PARLEY. It is his by every principle of right and justice—and we have bever heard that any body else has laid the least claim to it. He has obtained a well-earned literary reputation, under that title. He has no participation, or knowledge whatever, of the work we have spoken of, as will be seen by his card below. We can in no way account for the unblushing impudence with which his property in this name is thus purloined—and we cannot believe, for a moment, that the highly respectable gentleman, who is editor of the New World, can have had any participation in this transaction. As this unwarrantable use has been made of the name of the putative Editor, it is highly probable that the same course has been pursued, in relation to the other distinguished names that have been set forth in such formidable array. We are requested to publish the following Card from Mr Goodrich:


In the “New World,” of Dec. 18, 1841, is an advertisement, setting forth that on “Saturday, the 8th January, Peter Parley, the old and well known friend of children, will commence editing and publishing a new weekly paper, which will be called Peter Parley’s Youth’s Gazette. It is to be issued at the office of the New World, No. 30 Ann street, New York.”

The design of the authors of this advertisement is to make the public believe that the individual who has written several works for Youth, under the soubriquet of Peter Parley, is to be the editor and publisher of the proposed Gazette. They state positively that “Peter Parley himself will engage in the new enterprise.” “The name of Peter Parley will be a guaranty for the pure moral tone that will pervade every sentence of the new periodical,” &c.

Now, as I am the only individual that has ever claimed or can claim the authorship of Peter Parley’s Tales, as this is matter of notoriety; and as furthermore, the project set forth in the aforesaid advertsement, is started without my participation, consent or knowledge, I feel bound to pronounce it a fraud upon the public and myself.

S. G. Goodrich.

“Peter Parley’s Youth’s Gazette.” The Daily Atlas [Boston, Massachusetts] 3 January 1842; p. 2.

PETER PARLEY’S YOUTH’S GAZETTE.—We noticed, a few days since, the announcement, in the New York New World, of a forth-coming periodical, under the foregoing title—and we published, at the same time, a card from S. G. GOODRICH, Esq. denying any knowledge or participation in the work thus announced. In our remarks, we took occasion to acquit our friend, PARK BENJAMIN, Esq. of any participation in the supposed imposition which the announcement seemed to involve—and we are happy to find that he had no participation in it, and that the contemplated publication is abandoned. We have received the following Card from Mr GOODRICH.

To the Editors of the Atlas:

Will you be so kind as to state in your paper, that I am assured, in a letter from the Editor of the New World, that the project in relation to a paper, to be entitled “Peter Parley’s Youth’s Gazette,” and which I noticed in a public card a few days since, has been abandoned. It would seem that the plan probably originated in misapprehension, and it appears further, that it was in no way the enterprise of the Editor of the New World, who is entitled to my thanks for his gentlemanly conduct in the premises.


JAMAICA PLAIN, January 1, 1842.

“Every Youth’s Gazette.” The New World 4 (8 January 1842): 30.

Preceeding [sic: The piece referred to appears after this one.] this article, the reader will observe a story of “absorbing interest,” as the Reviews say, giving a faithful though somewhat imaginative account of the Rise, Progress and Decline of Peter Parley’s Youth’s Gazette. You will notice the emphatic words for, although Peter Parley has disappeared, become evanescent as it were, the Youth’s Gazette will still flourish, like the green bay-tree. It will soon appear, as beautiful as new types and wood-cuts can make it, under a more universal name and one which we like better. In the course of nature, old Peter Parley cannot live much longer, if, in fact, he be not dead already. Authors of his description seem to have as many lives as a cat. Jack Downing, Major, has died certainly eight times; one time more and he must meet with his final catastrophe. Peter Parley has published his farewell, and we mean to write his epitaph. Nevertheless, it appears that he lives and kicks in Boston in two places at once. He is not only the editor of Parley’s Magazine (the real original editor of which was to edit the Youth’s Gazette,) but he is the editor of Robert Merry’s Museum. Now as Parley’s magazine and Robert Merry’s Museum are co-existent publications and edited by different people, how can both the editors be “the real Peter Parley,” as the publishers solemnly affirm?—We have it; Peter Parley, like Peter Schlemil, has his shadow. He edits the Museum and his shadow edits the Magazine. If this explanation be not satisfactory, perhaps somebody else can give a better.

Badinage aside; it was not fault of ours that the forthcoming periodical was christened after Peter Parley. The gentleman, whose project it was, assured us that the sobriquet had been voluntarily relinquished by Mr. Goodrich and that, if it were not, he had an equal right to use it, since he was the author of a great number of the Peter Parley books.—“Well,” thought we, “if the writer of Peter Parley be not Peter Parley—who is?” Nevertheless, Mr. Goodrich (who has behaved very kindly in the premises) objected to the use of the name; and we have dropped it. We have not, however, by any manner of means, dropped the idea of publishing a Youth’s Gazette that shall as far excel all the periodicals for children as the moon outshines the faintest star in the firmament. The fuss, that has been made about the matter, plainly indicates the sensation which our prospectus occasioned. It has at all events incited us to come into direct rivalry and competition with the little magazines for children published in Boston. We shall procure, no matter how great the trouble and expense, the best books and wood-cuts for children from England and the very best articles from the best writers in the country. But there is no use in making all these professions beforehand. Look out, ye young and happy, for something perfectly delightful on the twenty-second of January. Though Peter Parley be not the editor, somebody else has been engaged, whose name, were we at liberty to announce it, would be quite as acceptable. What the New World is for grown people—the same for children shall be “Every Youth’s Gazette.”

“The Mysterious Visiter; or, The Plot Exploded. A Tale, with a Tail-Piece.” The New World 4 (8 January 1842): 30.

About four weeks ago, at the hour of noon, as we were sitting in our large arm-chair, at our round table, pleasantly contemplating the prospects and condition of this well-beloved hebdomadal, “The New World,” there came a low tapping at our office door. It not unfrequently happens that we are favored with visits from ladies—literary friends, of the gentler sex. Thinking that so dulcet a noise on the panel of the portal could proceed only from a fair hand, we exclaimed in our blandest tones, “come in!” nevertheless, no one entered, and the tapping was repeated—and it was not until we had vociferated “come in!” in the voice of a stentor, that the handle was turned, and there appeared—not a fair authoress with a budget of poetry, but an old gentleman. As he lifted up a broad-brimmed hat and made an obeisance that would not have misbecome Sir Charles Grandison, there was disclosed to view a wrinkled but ample forehead reposing under a mass of silvery hair. His eyes were blue and bright; a smile of kindly benevolence, that seemed habitual, rested on his lips, and his furrowed cheeks wore a bloom like that of a boy who has just come in from a snow-balling frolic on a keen, frosty morning. He was neatly dressed in a snuff-colored suit, and carried in his hand a stout hickory cane, which seemed worn with use. On his feet were high-quartered thick shoes, buckled around a pair of white lambs-wool stockings, which were discernible nearly to his knees; for he wore that kind of “unmentionables” which are rarely seen in this degenerate age, out of the theatre. In a word, his apparel was of that substantial sort adapted to a pedestrian, who regarded comfort much more than fashion.

“I guess,” commenced the venerable visiter, after carefully depositing his hat and stick in a corner, and taking a chair, “I guess that I have the pleasure of introducing myself to the editor.”

“You may be sure of it, sir,” we replied; “and to what gentleman from New England are we indebted for this courtesy?”

“My name, sir, is Parley, Peter Parley, of whom, doubtless, as you do not seem to be much advanced in life, you may have heard something.”

We started back in astonishment. “Can it be possible? What! Peter Parley, the delight of the young—the veritable Peter, himself!”

“Yes, my editorial friend and brother—I am he! no abstraction, as you may have supposed, but the real flesh and blood of Peter Parley himself!”

Though the reader would be much edified with the dialogue that ensued, we will not give it in detail, but briefly remark that the subject of our conversation with the old gentleman was the issuing and publishing in his behalf of a journal for juveniles, to be called “Peter Parley’s Youth’s Gazette.” We advised the old man not to put his scheme into operation, lest certain pretenders, who had made many silly little books in his name, and in his name committed multifarious absurdities, might take umbrage thereat and deny his identity. At this he laughed outright and said that if he was not himself, he could not imagine who he was. Hereupon we acceded to his request, and accordingly caused to appear in the New World, a prospectus, which he had written, and a recommendation of it to the public.

There was, however, one very mysterious circumstance, which, thoroughly convinced as we were that we had held sweet converse with the celebrated Peter himself, threw a doubt over the whole affair, and would have made us suppose that we had been dreaming, had we not happened to hold in our hand the manuscript he had left behind him. As soon as the old man had closed the door in his exit, we, feeling curious to have another peep at him to see in what direction he would travel, arose and looked out of the window. But in vain; no ancient gentleman stepped into the street, but a spruce, good-looking young man, who seemed to be laughing rather loudly in his sleeve, and who walked away with a quick rapid step. After watching for a few moments, we returned to our arm-chair, convinced that Peter must have scampered down stairs and turned the corner into Nassau street before we had reached the window.

Soon after this interview, and after the prospectus of “Peter Parley’s Youth’s Gazette” had been published in the New World, our venerable friend paid us another visit. He was dressed precisely as he was before, and talked very much to the same purpose. He exhibited, however, a degree of uncertainty and vacillation that made us like him a little less than at first, and entertain a doubt or two as to the veracity of his narration. He had no sooner left the room than we hurried to the window to see if we could have better luck, this time, in catching a view of his departing form. What was our surprise at beholding, step [sic] rapidly on the side-walk, the very same spruce, good-looking young man who had formerly taken the place of Peter! He appeared to be laughing in his sleeve more loudly than ever, and to be chuckling over some capital joke. He walked away; but we did not cease expecting to witness the old man’s exit till a good quarter of an hour had elapsed.

“Very, very inexplicable, certainly!” said we.

A full week elapsed before our friend in the snuff-colored suit, with the bright blue eyes, and the ruddy cheeks, and the stout hickory cane, and the thick, high-quartered shoes, and the white lambs-wool stockings, made his appearance again. This time he reminded us, by his wheedling manner, of the blind man in Barnaby Rudge, though at first we likened him, in our mind, to no less a personage than Master Humphrey himself. His remarks concerning the Youth’s Gazette were more vacillating and irresolute than ever. We told him that the die was cast, and that we must bear up manfully against opposition, and that he must prove, by his vast funds of amusement and instruction, that he was the Simon Pure, the bonâ fide Peter Parley. He said “yes!” and that he would come on Monday with “copy” for the printer. Saying this, he rose to depart. As his fingers turned the handle of the door, we fancied that we discovered, through his habitual smile, a slight sneer. And this time, to make all sure, we quickly followed in his footsteps, and looked, not out of the window into the street, but out of the very door of our office into the passage. Three seconds had not passed; in fact the old gentleman had not had time to close the door after him. Fancy, then, reader, if you can, our overwhelming surprise at discovering, not six paces from us, and walking away with the same short, rapid step, the same spruce, good-looking youth, laughing in his sleeve so violently that we verily thought it would have burst open from shoulder to wrist.

This was too much. We could endure the mystification no longer. Accordingly directions were immediately given to the “foreman” of the printing office, to take from the “form” the prospectus of Peter Parley’s Gazette, and to suspend the whole business till future orders.

The next morning, as we were reflecting on these mysterious occurrences, the Boston papers were brought in from the Post Office. We first unfolded the Atlas, and lo! there was nearly half-a-column devoted to this very “Peter Parley’s Youth’s Gazette,” and a card from Mr. S. G. Goodrich, averring that he was the real Peter Parley, that nobody else was, had a right to be, or could possibly be; and, moreover, that the advertisement in the New World was “a fraud upon himself and the public.” Goodness gracious! and all this muss made about a little two-penny paper for children! At first we were disposed to be somewhat irate; but, upon reflecting how capitally we had been hoaxed, we leaned back in our “Sleepy Hollow,” and laughed “an hour by Shrewsbury Clock.”

We have heard nothing more of the venerable Peter since that day. It strikes us that he has gone to Texas. Perhaps, however, he is nothing more than the spruce, good-looking young man after all; and that, desirous to convince us of his wisdom, he wore an air of gravity, that made us fancy his silver locks and the quaint fashion of his garments. Never mind—he has gone, and peace be with him! All that he did was to stir up a tempest in a tea-pot, and give certain wiseacres a chance to make a mountain out of a mole-hill. We are told that the editor of the New York American was particularly grandiloquent in his denunciation; but we cannot vouch for the fact, since we have not the honor to be one of that select four hundred and fifty persons, to whom the reading of that very literary sheet is confined. It takes all kinds of people to make a world, and we dare say that a certain class of redacteurs who create a vast hubbub about trifles, is necessary to complete the olla podrida of mankind.

The gentry, of whom we speak, are always making some dreadful discovery, and, in a fit of moral wonder and virtuous indignation, announcing it to mankind. It is highly probable that, if Peter Parley’s Youth’s Gazette had not ceased beforehand, the announcement of the Editor of the New Yo[r]k American would have demolished it. It is a common saying that “a cat may look upon a King,” but we never thought before that the converse of the adage was true. This must account for the awe which came over us, on hearing that so mighty a critic had condescended to extricate so small a work. Nevertheless, things equally remarkable have occurred—for example:

an owl saying, My eyes! there's a Mouse!
“My EYES! there’s a Mouse!”

Juvenis. “ ‘Peter Parley’s Youth’s Gazette’ ” The Weekly Ohio State Journal [Columbus, Ohio] 12 January 1842; p. 2.

MR. EDITOR—I observe in one of the city papers, a notice of Peter Parley’s Youth’s Gazette, a new paper to be published weekly in the city of New York. As the design of the work is doubtless an imposition on the public, I ask room to say that the Peter Parley engaged in the above publication, is not Mr. S. G. Goodrich, of Boston, the real Parley, author of the numerous highly useful and popular works for Children. Mr. Goodrich has done more of the instruction and entertainment of youth, in the way of book making, than any man living, and it would be unfair for spurious works to be palmed off in his name.

The only work the genuine Peter Parley is now engaged in, is a monthly paper designed altogether for Youth, published in Boston, and entitled “Merry’s Museum.” A new and improved volume commences the present month. The price is $1 per annum.


Notice. The New World 4 (29 Jan 1842): 79.

Every Youth’s Gazette.—All our friends and subscribers will do well to give this journal a fair trial. It is very neat and pretty in its typographical appearance, and it is ornamented with pleasing pictures. The second number is just issued, and contains a considerable variety of pleasing articles. It is the only weekly periodical for children ever printed, and is decidedly the cheapest. Ten copies a year can be had for ten dollars, and these will be directed and forwarded to ten addresses if required. Try it for six months at least; for this you can do by sending to the publishers of the New World a one dollar bank-bill which is current in your part of the country.

“Every Youth’s Gazette.” The New World 4 (9 April 1842): 240.

Every Youth’s Gazette.—With this number of the New World, a number of the Youth’s Gazette for the present week is sent to each of our country subscribers. The Editor of the New World asks as a personal favor, that all who receive the Gazette will have the kindness to give it a careful examination, and place it in the hands of their children, and other juvenile connexions. It will be seen, by the Publisher’s advertisement, that every present and future subscriber to the New World, can receive the Gazette for one year for the very low sum of ONE DOLLAR. A magazine for youth of this description, cannot fail to be highly valuable; it will afford a regular intellectual treat, which its readers, after once getting accustomed to, will find indispensable. Surely, we need not endeavour to impress upon the minds of parents and guardians, the importance of inspiring the growing mind with a love of what is good and beautiful in knowledge. There is no better safeguard—next to religion—against the sins and vices of the world, than a careful cultivation of the mental powers. This cultivation must be begun, not by dry treatises and elementary books, but by rendering wisdom attractive, and by clothing instruction in pleasing garments. The newspaper affords and excellent medium, not only to the old, but to the young. It comes like a friend, and, like a friend, is always warmly welcomed.

The aim of the Editor is to render “Every Youth’s Gazette” the true friend of children. He publishes nothing which can possibly impart a wrong idea, but always strives to inculcate the purest morality and the best sentiments. Need he urge any thing further to induce the friends of the young to give him their patronage.

“Every Youth’s Gazette.” The New World 4 (9 April 1842): 242.

The number of this popular paper for April 9 will be found an exceedingly interesting one. It contains the first part of a new story, received from England by the last steamer, called “The Perils of Paul Percival,” written for the Young by a clergyman of England, and is an excellent narrative. In it will also be found an variety of instructive articles, including a graphic account of the destruction of Lisbon by an earthquake in 1755.

All subscribers to the New World can have the Youth’s Gazette for $1 current money.

“Every Youth’s Gazette.” The New World 4 (7 May 1842): 304.

Every Youth’s Gazette.—The unprecedented success which has attended this periodical, in all parts of the country, affords the strongest and most gratifying proof of its intrinsic merits. Indeed, we believe we may safely say that no journal devoted exclusively to the interests of youth has ever been published offering so many desirable attractions as the Gazette. No pains or expense are spared to make it every way worthy of the patronage of enlightened parents and guardians. In pictorial embellishments it is without a rival; and every one who has had the least experience in instructing youth must know the importance of illustrative pictures as an essential aid in facilitating the mental improvement of children, and rendering their studies attractive. The contents of the Youth’s gazette for the present week are exceedingly various and interesting; embracing tales, natural History, (illustrated,) letters from abroad, fables, essays, poetry, &c., all tending to elevate and improve the mind. Published by J. Winchester, 30 Ann street. price $2 a year—10 copies for $10 to clubs, or four copies for $5.

“Every Youth’s Gazette.” The New World 5 (27 August 1842): 143.

This beautiful and popular periodical for the young, which has elicited the strongest testimonials from the public press throughout the country, is certainly the most attractive work of the kind which has ever fallen under our observation. The liberal expenditure of its proprietor for original contributions, and particularly for beautiful pictorial embellishments, could only be justified by the immense circulation which the work enjoys. We have this day had the pleasure of examining a large and valuable collection—nearly one hundred in all—of newly engraved and stereotyped plates, imported from London in the Steamship Britannia, and intended solely for illustrations of works now in course of publication in the Gazette. These plates, independent of their great use as aids in instructing and entertaining the youthful mind, are highly valuable as works of art, all of them being exquisitely executed. We hazard nothing in saying that no periodical of any kind published in this country has ever gone to so liberal an outlay for embellishments as that incurred by the publisher of this popular work.

The slightest comparison of the Gazette with any other periodical devoted to the instruction and entertainment of youth, will be sufficient to convince any one of the infinite superiority of the former. Compare it for instance with Merry’s Museum or Parley’s Magazine—works that profess to be edited by the original Peter Parley—or with The Youth’s Medallion—publications of only half the size of the Gazette—containing now and then, by way of embellishment, a muddy impression of some old worn out wood cut, having in many cases no reference whatever to the subject in question[.]

Possibly there are some who may think our praise of Every Youth’s Gazette rather overcharged. If there be any such, we fearlessly recommend them to an examination of the work; we could quote far stronger terms of praise than we have awarded to it, not only from the first journals in the country, but also from letters of clergymen, parents, and instuctors of youth. the low terms on which the Gazette is furnished, places it within the reach of almost every one.

Copyright 1999-2025, Pat Pflieger
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