Lillie Linden” was a subscriber to Robert Merry’s Museum. Poverty, orphans, and pathos were popular themes for young writers in the nineteenth century; a number appear in such amateur publications as The Ladies Wreath.
“Allie’s Christmas Eve,” by “Lillie Linden” (from Robert Merry’s Museum February 1865; p. 53)

Christmas Eve!

But in the city

There were some whom none could pity,

Some who had no Christmas Eve.

Through a dirty, dingy alley,

Up the narrow, creaking stair—

Spiders built their houses there—

There sat little orphan Allie.

By the window, there sat Alice,

Looking at the sky; said she,

“Oh, that I were there to see

Christmas Eve in heaven’s palace!

Father, mother, both are there:

O, if God would take me too!”

And her thin hands, cold and blue,

Clasped in supplicating prayer.

“Oh, God! please take little Allie;

Up in heaven all is light,

And I am so cold to-night!

Oh, God! please take little Allie.”

God in mercy heard her prayer;

O’er her face a sweet smile passed,

And she murmured, “Home at last—

There will be no sorrow there.”

And the little angel-spirit

Went to Him who gave it leave—

Little Alice went to heaven,

There to pass her Christmas Eve.

Copyright 1999-2025, Pat Pflieger
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