Robert Merry’s Museum featured works by almost every nineteenth-century writer for children, from Jacob Abbott to Sophie May; it also excerpted works for adults, among them Herman Melville. Especially during 1857-1867, the magazine printed pieces written by its subscribers: some adults, many not.
Alphabetized by author’s real name (where known); use control-F to search for pseudonym. Except for Melville, ONLY SIGNED PIECES ARE LISTED HERE. Author’s birth/death dates appear after the name; pseudonyms are listed just before titles, which are in alphabetical order. Number after each title is the year the piece was printed. Authors who were subscribers are marked with an asterisk (*). For page numbers, see “By title". Some works are transcribed at this site.
KEY: /i = illustrated piece; /p = piece is a poem; /s = piece is a song, with music